The work of Frances Dal Chele in Turkey is tinged with documentary formalism. It follows her discovery of a rapidly developing country experiencing considerable social upheaval. Each step corresponds to a photographic process, beginning with architectural shots whose coldness reflects the ubiquitous concrete. After several trips to Istanbul, a large city extending out of sight, and where buildings sprout up as quickly as the landscape disapears , the photographer took an interest in the country’s youth. Their generation is bearing the brunt of this transformation which affects the whole country. Young people are reacting differently to their uncertain futures, torn between Muslim tradition and invasive Western influences. Frances Dal Chele intentionally went beyond the country’s cultural capital in her search of this paradox, focusing instead of smaller cities. What did she find wherever she went? Television.
Read the full version of this article by Laurence Cornet on the French version of Le Journal.
Frances del Chele :–Du loukoum au Béton
Editions Trans Photographic Press
21,5 cm × 21,5 cm
ISBN : 9791090371125
Prix 35€