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France : 60th Foire Internationale de la Photo in Bièvres


The 60th Foire Internationale de la Photo in Bièvres will be held on June 1 and 2. The International Photo Fair was created in 1964 by Jean and André Fage. Always organized by the Photoclub Paris-Val-de-Bièvre with the support of the Municipality of Bièvres, it has become, over time, the unmissable meeting place for collectors and amateurs, recognized for its second-hand and photographic antiques, its new market and services, its artists’ market and its photographer exhibitions. It welcomes nearly 250 exhibitors. For its sixtieth anniversary, the Fair welcomes the Finnish photographer Pentti Sammallahti for an exceptional retrospective with 65 prints. Many specific activities will also be offered: a vintage trail of cameras or photographs from the 1960s on the second-hand and photographic antiques market, a raffle will allow you to win 60 prints made by Photoclub photographers, an exhibition will retrace the history of the Fair since 1964.

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