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Fotogalerie Friedrichshain : Benita Suchodrev : Of Lions and Lambs


In her solo exhibition at Fotogalerie Friedrichshain, the Berlin-based Russian-American photographer Benita Suchodrev combines two bodies of work about the same place: the British seaside resort of Blackpool, a magnet to mass tourism in the summer months and at the same time one of the poorest cities in England.

In 48 Hours Blackpool (Kehrer Verlag 2018), the photographer dives with her camera into the lively world of entertainment at the seaside resort over a brief period, letting life unfold before our eyes. Relying on her intuition, during a couple of summer days she documents her encounters with strangers, swift and daring, always capturing the ‘decisive moment’ and making something visible that most of us overlook: the face in the crowd.

Of Lions and Lambs (Kehrer Verlag 2019) is being presented for the first time in a comprehensive exhibition and shows the harsh reality away from the tourist season. Social injustice and precarious livelihoods characterize the cityscape in a grey winter month.

The high contrast black and white photographs are intense, authentic, raw and mysterious. The street becomes a stage with an abundance of bizarre characters, each picture is a narrative about the inevitability of time revealing a deeply human approach to photography.


Benita Suchodrev : Of Lions and Lambs
May 17 – June 28, 2024
Fotogalerie Friedrichshain
Helsingforser Pl. 1
10243 Berlin, Germany

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