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Feng Liu: –Pictures from Chicago


In 1999, I moved to Chicago from Shanghai, China, for my job as an engineer. Inspired by Chicago’s vitality and power and fascinated by the new culture, I had a strong urge to express my feelings about this great city. Chicago is America. I started to use my lifelong passion—photography—to document what I saw, what I felt and what I thought.

My work was exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Center and the Water Tower—and published in the book: “CITY 2000” and Tempo at Chicago Tribune. And also my work collected by the library of University of Illinois at Chicago.

For the past ten years, I have been documenting many Chicago’s neighborhoods and its people, from cityscapes to city parades and festivals. On a quest to create a lasting record of life in Chicago in the new century, I spent almost every day canvassing the city and chronicling its people, places and personality. I use my photos to create a rich, historic document that will inform those in the future long after it teaches us about ourselves. A city is constantly reborn. It lives, it grows, it dies, and it’s born again.

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