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Exhibition The Barn : Janelle Lynch : Endless Forms Most Beautiful


Following her critically-acclaimed solo show at Flowers Gallery in London in 2023, Janelle Lynch: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, a new show of works from the same series opens at Exhibition The Barn in Bridgehampton, New York in collaboration with Frampton Co. The exhibition presents cyanotypes and large-format black and white photographs that Lynch created in Amagansett, New York during 2022-2023, exploring the intricate connections between life’s forms and the afterlife.

Janelle Lynch utilizes the cameraless 19th-century photographic process of cyanotypes to produce abstractions in hues of blue and white. These works capture botanical and wildlife remains, as well as impressions of Lynch’s own body, each piece serving as physical evidence of existence while simultaneously suggesting a transition into the ethereal realm.

About the work, Martin Barnes, Senior Curator, Photography, at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London wrote: “In her work, Lynch channels photography’s early experimental history. She harnesses the cyanotype and photogram’s visual qualities with a contemporary edge and does so with particular formal elegance….In ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful,’ recognisable traces of botanical and bodily shapes co-exist with fantastical impressions.”


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