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Ex Liceo Gargallo : Guy Mandery : Ritratti siracusani


Guy Mandery presents an exhibition entitled Ritratti siracusani until December 28 at Ex Liceo Gargallo in Siracusa.

“Guy Mandery’s photographs are also stories, subjective portraits which not only do not exclude the context, but on the contrary, reveal characters, traces of life, objects and memories which thus become flashbacks. Assemblies which, like underground links, connect people to things: a boat, a trophy, a wooden seagull, an old photo on the wall, a fruit, a sign, objects on sale and other useless things, placed and left there apparently by chance.”

Excerpt from “A local report” by Giuseppina Norcia in Ritratti siracusani, Edizioni Cirnauti, Syracuse 2024

The catalog is published by Edizioni Cirnauti Siracusa

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