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Photography Exhibitions Paris

The latest photography exhibitions and upcoming exhibition openings in Paris, France. Photo exhibitions listed in this page are sorted in chronological order and are selected by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Alta Vista Arts Presents Sixteen Women Artists

Alta Vista Arts presents the work of sixteen women artists, showcasing the female gaze, the work of these lens-based artists is a powerful collective statement.  …

Ilian Rebei Gallery: Brazil, Body and Democracy

In this electoral period in Brazil, the Ilian Rebei gallery presents an exhibition gathering Brazilian artists researching the theme of body and politics. All the invited artists, from different generations,…

Initial Labo: David Bacher — « PARIS / NYC »

"PARIS/NYC" is the result of fifteen years of photography in these two mythical cities, which are close to photographer David Bacher's heart. The project was published in a photo book in…

Trophées Huawei Next-Image – The 2021 Winner

Après 139 jours d’étude des photographies et de délibérations des juges, les Trophées HUAWEI NEXT-IMAGE 2021 couronnent leurs 70 lauréats et s’imposent comme l’un des concours de photographie les plus populaires et…


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