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Photography Exhibitions

The latest photography exhibitions and exhibition openings worldwide, selected by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers. Photo exhibitions listed in this page are sorted in chronological order, updated daily.

Fatim Diarra, Africa in Yougouyougou mode

The Centre Soleil d’Afrique presents the exhibition "Africa in Yougouyougou mode" by Fatim Diarra. The photographer questions the absurdity of large flows of second-hand goods, especially the so-called "yougouyougou" or…

Fototala King Massassy, Iron Men

Iron Men, King Massassy’s first solo show in the UK, records the vibrant everyday life of Mali’s capital city, Bamako.…

Monsieur Rodin, Louise Skira

As part of the Month of the Photo Off and with the courtesy of the Rodin Museum, the Pont Royal Hotel hosts the exhibition "Monsieur Rodin", a photographic series of…

Sarah Anne Johnson, This Land

Stephen Bulger Gallery presents “This Land”, its fifth solo exhibition of work by Canadian artist Sarah Anne Johnson.…

Anja Niemi: In Character

Opening May 4th, Galerie XII Los Angeles is pleased to host the West Coast debut exhibition of Norwegian artist Anja Niemi.…

Childhood Memories, Solomon Jamy Brown

The Hôtel Renaissance Paris Le Parc Trocadero hosts Solomon Jamy Brown's photographic exhibition "Childhood Memories" from May 4 to June 2, 2019.…

Utopie/Maladredie, Julie Balagué

From May 4 to June 16, 2019, Julie Balagué's exhibition “Utopia / Maladrerie” will be held in partnership with the Center d'Arts Plastiques d'Aubervilliers (CAPA).…


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