The expression “Eastern Christian” (“chrétien d’Orient”) is originally French. It was first used in the nineteenth century to define populations inhabiting the territory spanning […]…
Photography Exhibitions
The latest photography exhibitions and exhibition openings worldwide, selected by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers. Photo exhibitions listed in this page are sorted in chronological order, updated daily.
“Without water plants wither and die. But even in death their beauty lingers in a moment of fleeting, serene imperfection; a delicate death, preserved […]…
Within the framework of the Festival Francophonie Métissée #FFM, the Centre Wallonie-Brussels of Paris presentes an exceptionnal selection of ten dix photographies, from the […]……
Galerie Peyroulet is pleased to present “1987-2017. 30 ans, La photographie pour passion – La modernité de l’entre-deux-guerres” (Photography for passion – The modernity of […]…
The most comprehensive exhibition about Claudia Schiffer so far includes 100 photographs from three decades by artists such as Ellen von Unwerth, Herb Ritts, […]…
Both the history and the present of visual culture are informed by advanced media that draw the viewer into their own visual worlds in […]…