L’ANGLE gallery presents the Expo_023, "Cosmos_II" by David Tatin *, from August 20 to September 27, 2020.…
Premium Agendas
The largest outdoor photography festival in Europe is entering its third year. From 14 July, the French national holiday, to 26 October 2020, the Austrian national holiday, the festival will delight…
Global technology leader HUAWEI invites the millions of people who make up its community to share their most inspiring creations as part of the HUAWEI NEXT-IMAGE 2020 Trophies, the world's…
To mark its 20th anniversary, Galerie PRISKA PASQUER will be holding a major exhibition showcasing works by some 35 artists ranging from early 20th-century avant-garde to the present day.…
Pierrot Men's exhibition "Resonance" takes place at Château de Hautefort from June 15 to October 31, 2020.…
Call for applications for photography in the 16th edition of the Cinematographic Encounters of Cerbère-Portbou (“Rencontres de Cerbère-Portbou”) which will take place from October 1st to 4th, 2020.…
From 9 July to 22 September, Gaggenau and Cramum present in Milan the solo exhibition Impossible Skies by Davide Tranchina, curated by Sabino Maria Frassà.…
The 7th edition of the international photographic festival Les Chemins de Photos will take place from July 11th to October 31st, 2020.…