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Parallel Open Call 2018 – New Artists

The call is open internationally to new artists working with photography. This call aim is to select 30 new artists and 8 new curators. […]…

Maia Flore

To open our new season of exhibitions, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris is pleased to present Maia Flore’s latest works, where collage and drawing come […]…

Maňo Štrauch, Faces of life

SLOVAK PRESS PHOTO Foundation is pleased to present from March 14th to April 20th, 2018 "Faces of Life" by Maňo Štrauch, an exhibition of portraits of people who survived the Holocaust.…


Between February 22nd and March 30th, 2018, the pictures of the SLOVAK PRESS PHOTO 2017 winners are on view in the Municipal Library of Piešťany.…

Allyssa Heuze, OÏ

Allyssa Heuze is a Franco-Filipino photographer. In OÏ, we see the vision of a young, female photographer thinking about another way of approaching sex […]…

Christian Maillard, Photographs

Christian Maillard will be signing his first photo book entitled "Christian Maillard, Photographs" at the bookstore L'Instant in Paris on Thursday, March 29th, 2018 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.…

Lény Stora

On the occasion of the International Women's Day, Lény Stora presents in Paris a photographic report realized in May 2017 on the girls and women of Mayotte.…

Photo Paris Vintage Fair

New first spring photo fair in Paris. Photo Paris Vintage Fair is organized by Bruno Tartarin at Pavillon Wagram. The 100 tables of the […]…

Marvin E. Newman

Les Douches la Galerie, Paris presents from March 9 to June 2, 2018 Marvin E. Newman’s first personal exhibit in France, with a selection of his work that ranges from…


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