DANTE ALIGHIERI wrote ‘The Divine Comedy’ at the very beginning of the 14th century. In it, he recounts his journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. The complexity of the structure of these places meant that he needed guidance. He was guided first by the Latin poet Virgil and then by his muse Beatrice Portinari (see the explanatory flyer in the gallery!).
Two centuries later, Lorenzo de Medici asked SANDRO BOTTICELLI to illustrate The Divine Comedy. Botticelli worked on this commission for a large part of his life but, continually absorbed by the creation of one of the countless masterpieces he left us, the work made no real progress and the project remained unfinished, consisting of around a hundred preparatory drawings on parchment, only four of which were partially coloured.
It seemed only natural (and not too sacrilegious!) to let my imagination (and my sense of humour) run riot, giving these unfinished drawings the colour they lacked and incorporating the expressive, sumptuous body of Sandra, the model whose experience, intelligence and sensitivity made this exercise possible.
The Divine Comedy is a work that is both poetic and mystical, complex in form and structure but elegantly written and limpid, a source of enchantment and wonder, appealing above all to the imaginary and even the unconscious rather than to the intellect and reason. Not without a sense of humour, the theme of this accompanied journey being the finest example!
So I’m happy to present nudes in this context. Firstly, to express their simple and perfect beauty in an original presentation, which is always a challenge for nude photography! What’s more, I find it moving (and somewhat jubilant) to combine this rather morbid journey, often populated by suffering bodies and odious, evil creatures, with the freshness and grace of a beautiful woman’s body. But then, perhaps Dante didn’t invite Beatrice for any other reason!
Dream images of the tribulations of very young women in rural areas (living in the country or in very small towns). You can see how similar their concerns are to those of their city-dwelling cousins!
This series attempts to combine portrait and nude photographs, hoping to achieve more than either of the two exercises can offer separately. In these images, the same woman appears clothed and naked, appearing and being, a magical juxtaposition that ultimately reveals body and soul.
Patrick Vollat – La Divine Comédie – Rurales – Corps et Âme
Imag’In, 14 rue des pierres plantées
Lyon 1er (métro Croix Rousse)
May 15th – 25th, 2025
Week 15h-19h Week-end 11h-19h closed on mondays
Opening on May 16th at 5:30 pm
14 rue des Pierres plantées, Lyon
May 15, 2025 to May 25, 2025