Amaury da Cunha art installation combines photographies and recorded spoken words which encompass his two latest books. A narrative : « Histoire souterraine» (Rouergue) and a photography book: « HS, images d’une histoire souterraine.” (Filigranes). What is the power of a story or of a photograph confronted to the experience of loss or of mourning? Do we need images to cope with the memory’s flaws? Those questions are paramount in Amaury da Cunha creative work presented in the philosopher Auguste Comte’s home. The texture of those two recent publications is at the heart of the exhibition, the silence of the images mirroring the intimacy of an inner voice.
La Maison d’Auguste Comte
10, rue Monsieur Le Prince 75006 Paris, France
November 03, 2017 to November 19, 2017