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Espace MVG : Michael von Graffenried : Our Town – A Look at Deep America


In the house where Camille Claudel had her studio and not far from that of William Klein, the studio of the photographer Michael von Graffenried, the Espace MVG will in the future be a platform for photography, which will hold exhibitions in different locations. The inaugural exhibition is « Our Town – Un regard sur l’Amérique profonde ».

In 2005, Michael von Graffenried began photographing the city that his ancestor Christoph von Graffenried founded in 1710. The photos, which were first shown in 2006 in New Bern, were not met with enthusiasm by visitors. The photos were said to have misrepresented the city, showing only what was perceived as negative aspects. The invited population did not feel represented, and expected to be highlighted, according to critics. Graffenried nevertheless continued the project. A year ago, he made a second attempt at an exhibition in New Bern. In the fall of 2023, “Our Town” was the subject of two exhibitions: one featuring a selection of works was presented in a gallery in the city and others were exhibited outdoors. As when they were first presented, the images were the subject of criticism and discussion in the local and international media. But why are the New Bern photos the subject of such polarized reactions? Are Michael von Graffenried’s photographs too striking, too direct, too merciless? They show a reality that we do not like to see and that we hide. They are snapshots that show isolated situations, necessarily subjective. Viewers project their own experiences and fears into these empty spaces, which influences the perception and interpretation of these photos. “Our Town” provides the basis for an intercultural debate, both within New Bern and beyond the city’s borders: Where would we position ourselves if our daily lives were critically depicted? How is our town perceived by outsiders? What are we trying not to see?

In addition to the series “OUR TOWN”, the exhibition consists of two other parts: shots of Washington DC during the inauguration of President Donald Trump in 2017, the Women’s March on Washington with Kamala Harris in 2017 and the presidential election day in November 2020 as well as a selection of original photographs by ROBERT FRANK (1924-2019), a friend of Graffenried. Alessa Widmer is the curator of the exhibition. “Our Town” is accompanied by the book published by Steidl Publishers, Göttingen 2021.


Michael von Graffenried : Our Town – Un regard sur l’Amérique profonde Until March 1, 2025
Espace MVG
36 rue Falguière
75015 Paris
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 2 – 6 p.m.

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