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Espace L : Fragmented Realities


Réalités fragmentées is the title of a collective exhibition which brings together Teodelina Detry, Denis Jutzeler, Nacoca Ko, Catherine Rebois, Nicolas Delaroche, Julien Spiewak and Martin Widmer until June 22nd at Espace L in Geneva.
What exactly do we call a “photograph”? A surface, an imprint, a support? It existed, originally, by means of photosensitive plates, made of copper and glass, then on a film and now it is virtually recorded on a digital sensor.
Photographic artists are experimenting with new modes of presenting works freed from a protocol and a traditional artistic framework.
The exhibition “Fragmented Realities” offers to explore with 7 artists who have this desire to free themselves from rules, space, surface and supports.Teodelina Detry, is in a black and white research, to know how freedom and fragility could be represented. Denis Jutzeler, oscillates between work with photography and cinema, between freeze frame and movement, it is a tribute to Roman Opalka that he offers us. Nacoca Ko shows us virtual images that intertwine with reality and thus allows us to explore new stories. Catherine Rebois broadens her approach from photography to installation to multiply the sensitive possibilities of the perception of bodies and representation. Nicolas Delaroche tends towards a shift in the photographic medium towards new supports such as cement and stone. It documents the art world. Julien Spiewak, revisits museums to interfere in the image and create disturbance in the restitution of a representation. Martin Widmer is an artist whose main mediums are photography and writing which he combines with raw materials.


espace L
23 rue des Bains
1205 Geneva – CH
+41 79 818 7182

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointment

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