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Espace Durev : Alain Rivière-Lecoeur : Photos-sculptures


Until January 29, the Espace Durev exhibits the photo sculptures of Alain Rivière-Lecoeur.

Alain Rivière-Lecœur is a Franco-American photographer, he studied photography and cinema in Vincennes and began his career in New York where he collaborated with the portrait painter Hans Namuth. At his side, he learned the rigor and importance of detail. He also collaborated with the stylist Don Sagramoso with whom he developed texture and material effects. He made him understand that there is always a material that must be brought to life, made to be felt, through the lens. Alain Rivière-Lecœur ran his advertising shooting studio in New York for six years, before returning to Paris. At the same time, he continued his personal research, on painting and movement in particular, always with images. Photography, as a major art, remains at the center of his concerns. His many encounters with artists from all walks of life and his various experiences – as a great traveler, reporter, advertising photographer, ceramist and lover of dance and movement – ​​have enabled him to experiment and explore through photography many areas. For nearly 7 years, Alain Rivière-Lecœur has been involved in the Chairs of Earth and Chairs of Stone projects, in which he shapes and sculpts bodies, frozen in their movement, revealed through the organic matter that surrounds them.


Alain Riviere-Lecoeur
Until January 29
Espace Durev
56, Boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
75007 Paris, France

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