Qatar, your people have been pearl merchants, skilled fishermen, warriors, businessmen, and financiers, all the while keeping a toe on the line of your borders to always stay in touch with their land.
Doha the Ambitious, whose development shows us how fine the line between conservatism and capitalism can be, just as when the mystical sound of the Adhan matches with the more mechanical one of the tractor-trackers, and the voices of the urban workers.
All this can be discovered on the roadsides as you walk, men sitting on the ground smiling broadly in the early hours of the day, or where the lines of Tata buses organize the transportation of those hands ready to work on the construction sites and who will wait in the parking lots for the next shift to end.
The karat chai perfumes the building site huts and the housing complexes where « warm bunk « is de rigueur as in all the exploitations which turn at the same rhythm as the wall clock or the watches that one repairs on the sidewalk.
Today we hear about you every day, without really knowing you. The rumors, the “they say” sometimes tend to depict all the possible faces so that everyone can make his own idea, without even knowing or wanting to.
For my part I came, saw, photographed, and exchanged with inhabitants of all classes, I brought back a simple reading, apolitical, without judgment, in total respect of what I met.
I deliver this vision through an extract of twenty photographs that show who you are in my eyes.
Eric Lepeingle