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Eric Lepeingle


In Flying We Trust

“Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly.” Richard Bach – Jonathan Livingston Seagull


A public parking lot, a space where a story is being played out.

A set of colourful fabrics fly in an workable disorder in the middle of the bay.

Spectators stand with their hands on their foreheads, trying to control the direction of traffic – an old human reflex!

Here we fly free. We don’t worry about direction, we just have one.

Behind, on the warm, wet asphalt, a tribe is in action.

They inflate, they weave, they watch, they assist, they hold and then they take off.

Until we come back down to earth, where the tribal gestures and habits known to those who are part of it will be carried out in the reverse way.

An eternal restart, a way of life, a moment, a mystical practice, like a belief.

Who has gone higher today?

How many people have captured this suspended moment, where the important thing is to know how they manage to one day say to themselves, I too want to see from above and find the means to fly.

Eric Lepeingle

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