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Emma Louise Prin : Sténopé


Among a few invitations by e-mail to traditional vernissages, an image immediately caught my attention on the invite of the Fontaine Obscure. What an interesting photograph, it jumps out at you, intoxicates your mind without knowing why. Well almost, because after the first feeling and emotion, the inquisitive eye will look for other images of the series which it dissects and analyzes. It is this curiosity, a little useless; but, the understanding of which will be necessary for some of the readers. Whether they are collectors, plagiarists, fanatics or simple colleagues, everyone wants to know why these creations are the beginnings of a beautiful evolution if the author get involved in a real personal journey, without compromise.

Admittedly, the technologies used by Emma Louise resemble prehistory, in the literal sense, for many of us. But this is not the reason that justifies the accuracy of the works before our eyes. First, there is not just one ancestral technique, but several, to justify the results obtained. In addition, it is a very well controlled dosage of the subtleties of the photographic art (Emma must surely have to thank a vestal of the technique) associated with the rigors of modern technologies. Secondly, the previous “blah blah” of technological justifications is only incidental, the value of the works is based on a natural inspiration mixed with a genuine culture of conceptual organization. The more the shots and the treatments are difficult to implement and the more the composition of the image, the play of light on the subjects, the models themselves and the surprises of the imponderables are adjusted by a mind very rarely taken into fault account.

Thierry Maindrault



Fontaine Obscure
photographic space
24 avenue Henri Poncet
from April 05, 2022 until May 14, 2022
open Tuesday to Friday 02 pm – 06 pm
Saturday 10 am – 12 am

Galerie Hors Champs
20 rue de Gravilliers
75003 PARIS



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