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El Rojas Cultural Center – University of Buenos Aires : Andrea Juan : Consciousness | The climate crisis


The El Rojas Cultural Center of the University of Buenos Aires presents Consciousness | The climate crisis through the work of Andrea Juan. The exhibition is curated by Luciana García Belbey.

Andrea Juan is a visual artist and curator. She works with photography, digital video, graphics, objects and installations. She was Head of Visual Arts for the Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Culture Management (UNTREF, 1999 to 2016). She obtained important awards, recognitions and scholarships such as the UNESCO-ASCHBERG, or the Guggenheim Scholarship. She carried out performances and video installations in Antarctica based on scientific research on climate change (2005 – 2014). She created and directed the Art Residency in Antarctica (National Antarctic Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentine Republic, 2006-2016). She founded the organization SUR POLAR, a network of artists with a common concern about the environment (2008). She is currently developing projects related to the origin of art and the environment, in collaboration with Gabriel Penedo Diego, with whom he created SM PRO ART CIRCLE in 2014, in Cantabria, Spain, where they carry out the Nat Art Residency among other Art programs.



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