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Editorial RM : Ruth Lauer Manenti : I imagined it empty


Editorial RM released I imagined it empty by Ruth Lauer Manenti. It offers readers a deeply moving and introspective exploration of life, loss and the enduring connections we forge with the spaces we inhabit.

I imagined It Empty was inspired by several pictures the author had taken of her mother in 2017, briefly before she passed away. “My mother rarely let me photograph her except in the last week of her life when she changed her mind. Each day as she approached her death, she became more beautiful.”

The book is a silent and moving contemplation of life beyond life and the desire to find solace and presence within the walls of the place that we choose to call home. The loss of dear ones is reflected in the sense of belonging to a place, a house full of history, which also carries on the life of others. “I know that I will not live in this house forever. The house will hopefully outlive me, but I wonder if a part of me will outlive the house.”

I imagined it empty is the winning entry of the 3rd edition of the Star Photobook Dummy Award organised by the Photographic Social Vision Foundation to honour the legacy of Inés Casals, a talented photobook designer and art director who passed away prematurely in 2020.


Ruth Lauer Manenti : I imagined it empty
Editorial RM
Co-published with: PHREE & Ediciones Posibles
Design: Ramon Pez
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 80
Images: 37
Dimensions: 20 x 28 cm / 8 x 11 in
Language: Spanish or English
ISBN: 978-84-19233-88-2

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