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Editorial : Arles Basel year 1


A great success this festival or rather these festivals which have just ended.
Arles central power is over and has given way to multiple places of creative and inventive power very concerned to stand out from the current direction!

Luma, one day we will have to thank loud and clear Maja Hoffmann without whom this revolution could never have existed, the Musée Réattu.
Actes Sud, agnès b., Chateau Lacoste ……………!
The result is a success.

The price to pay is the total disappearance of one of the myths of the old Rencontres, the Off.
It was doomed but the nostalgia remained.
Today it no longer exists, no more exchanges, free screenings, passionate crowds in search of communions.
It is replaced by a hundred boutique galleries rented for high prices and in the Cour de l’ Archevéché, an iconic place where lovers of the still image crowded, is held a shameful paying market, sinister and miserable.

Arles Basel is born, and covers the entire photographic spectrum, we even discovered some masterpieces of photojournalism, the book by Françoise Denoyelle on French photo agencies or this monumental book on Ukraine.

Arles Basel is born and we will finally be able to put an end to this worn-out cliché; Photography is poor.
No, the photographers are : Yes! But there has never been so much money in the world of Photography.

Jean-Jacques Naudet

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