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Éditions Sur la Crête : Céline Levain : Captives


Éditions Sur la Crête publishes Captives, a book by Céline Levain. She presents her work as follows:

This series began during photographic workshops that I led in the women’s section of the Angoulême county jail and at the Vivonne penitentiary center. For 5 years, I photographed women prisoners who performed in the prison activity room. Then I looked for a way to represent the outside so present in minds and conversations by associating their portraits with landscapes that they had described to me and that I went and captured outside their walls. They could sometimes represent what they missed, sometimes an interior landscape, a memory or a projection towards somewhere else or an after which often turns out to be universal.

I sought, through this dialogue, to give these women their real power and to enrich their representation.

Celine Levain


There are
paths you will never know
the edges of mysterious forests
the wastelands of the soul
foam on the sea
foam galloping
much faster than a herd of wild horses
acceleration intensity momentum incredible speed
in the reveries of their suspended lives
the melancholy of
time suspended
time dragging
time that never ends

Excerpt from the text Dans la sombre forêt de l’existence by Pauline Delabroy-Allard which accompanies the book.


Céline Lvain: Captives
Text by Pauline Delabroy-Allard
Éditions Sur la Crête
Current edition • 400 copies
Soft cover with flap • 68 pages / format 21×28.5 cm
30 color photographs
Printing on Symbol matt plus premium white / 130 g and Old Mill Bianco 130 g
Glued square spine binding
ISBN 978-2-494272-04-0

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