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Editions Art Sacré : Brother Jean : Pilgrimage of an existence


His name: Brother Jean.
He is one of the iconic figures in the world of Provencal photography.
He has just published his book entitled: Pèlerinage d’une existence.
He talks about it like this!

I am a monk before being a photographer. Being a monk is, for me, the most important thing. I express my faith through photography, through each of my daily actions: prayer, services, welcoming the pilgrim, the garden, cooking, poetry, photography… Each form of expression is a language that expresses my faith. Through photography I want to show images without staging, without accessories, spare and true. I wish to capture the light of the gaze before it bursts into the movement, by surprising it at its origin, in the heart, in the bowels. Reveal the mystery that lives deep within each face, show eternal movements in daily gestures, bear witness to the harmony of beauty. Not a voyeur, but a clairvoyant. Not listener, speaker but listening, speaking, not taking photographs in a photo safari but receiving photographs. Since you ask if technical knowledge is important, I will answer you that the study of technique is essential but that observation, relationship, gentleness are more important than technique. The important thing for me today is to show the beauty of Creation.

Brother Jean.


Frère Jean : Pèlerinage d’une existence 
Editions Art Sacré
Closed format 150 x 180
220 pages, 200 photos
public price 15€ 

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