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Echo Fine Arts : Robert Farber : 50 Years of Evolving Vision – Part 1


Echo Fine Arts presents “50 Years of Evolving Vision – Part 1”, an online solo exhibition of Robert Farber’s photographs. With a career spanning over 50 years and over half-a-million copies of his books sold, Farber’s painterly photographic style has influenced generations of photographers. His impressionistic artworks capture the essence of composition in every genre. In a constant quest for evolution, Farber’s body of work in the past fifty years shows a rich variety of themes and media. While this first part focuses on his nudes, americana, seascapes and fashion photographs from the late 60s until the early 2000s, the second part in Spring 2024 will feature his latest bodies of work.

Robert Farber has etched his own photographic style and inspired a whole generation of photographers. Whether it be the female form, landscapes, still life, or fashion, his painterly style distillates the composition to retain its essence only. Master of the nude genre, his photographs are spontaneous, seldomly pre- planned, and imbued with a “romantic mood”. The use of soft-focus, subdued directional lighting and grainy texture create an elusive and evanescent image reminiscent of the impressionist Masters. Similarly, his landscapes’ compositions are minimalists, defined by hazy contours and a floating atmosphere. Yet, human presence is often absent. Instead, Farber’s photographs convey a sense of soothing and inviting emptiness. Whether it be an old American flag, a beach in Normandy or a winding road in Montana, his images channel the soul of their subject and are a starting point for narration.


Robert Farber : 50 Years of Evolving Vision – Part 1
From September 11th until October 31st, 2023
Echo Fine Arts
Online exhibition

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