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Documental Imaginário — Fotografia Brasileira


To provide an overview of contemporary Brazilian photography—that’s the challenge taken up by Eder Chiodetto, curator of the exhibition Documental Imagiário, held at the Flamengo cultural center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Through September 30, photographs by João Castilho, Breno Rotatori, Guy Veloso, Gustavo Pellizzon, Fábio Messias, Pedro David, Pedro Motta, Fernanda Rappa and the collective Cia de Foto will be on display, responding to the theme “Documentary/Imaginary”.

Starting with the observation that a documentary photograph can be based on both reality and the imagination, Chiodetto, a photojournalist and critic for Folha de São Paulo and the winner of the prestigious Jabuti literary prize in 2004, chose to feature the work of a new generation of photographers. “The exhibition summarizes one of the most innovative and original aspects Brazilian photography has seen in the past few years,” says the curator, “which has made it a great success at festivals and exhibitions around the world.”

Céline Chevallier

Read the full text of this article on the French version of Le Journal.

Documental Imaginário – Fotografia Contemporânea Brasileira
Until September 30, 2012
Oi Futuro Flamengo
R. Dois de dezembro, 63 – Flamengo – Nível 8
Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

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