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Deutsche Börse : Image Capital by Estelle Blaschke & Armin Linke


The exhibition “Image Capital” is about the history and present of photography as an information technology. In the roughly 200 years since its invention, photography has transformed science, art, politics and news, as well as all forms of commerce and production. It documents the visible world and is at the same time a tool for storing and reproducing images. As a cost-effective and endlessly reproducible recording and storage medium, photography contributed to the development of global industries and economies.

Today’s digital working methods, for example in architecture and design, in engineering or in industrial agriculture, encourage us to take a new look at the blind spots in the history of photography. “Image Capital” tells an alternative history of the medium and includes recordings and video works by the artist Armin Linke, which are supplemented by selected historical images, archive material and publications. Part of the exhibition in Eschborn is a site-specific video work that Armin Linke developed with Deutsche Börse AG. This takes a look at the visual representation of financial data streams and asks how they contribute to optimizing stock trading.

The concept of the exhibition was developed by the photo historian Estelle Blaschke and the artist Armin Linke. The presentation in The Cube was curated by Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation together with Cornelia Siebert. “Image Capital” is a collaboration between le Centre Pompidou, Paris; the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Frankfurt/Eschborn; the Fondazione MAST, Bologna, and the Museum Folkwang, Essen.

The exhibition will be accompanied by an online publication that can be accessed free of charge here .


Image Capital by Estelle Blaschke & Armin Linke
October 13, 2023 to January 21, 2024
Deutsche Börse AG, The Cube, Eschborn

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