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Delphine Diallo – “INVISIBLE SYMBOL”


Delphine Diallo is the central figure of her own exhibition. The artist reveals herself as much in her self portraits as in the portraits of her mother, or of strangers. Whether she is naked or behind a mask, visible or invisible, Delphine creates her own symbols and shapes her feminine epic. Every day, she becomes a new woman, transforming herself and always coming back a little stronger. She offers to the women she photographs the chance to become mythical heroines. There is naivety in her work, that of believing in the strength of her images, and their ability to bring people together. From this naivety is born an intense beauty. A beauty made of proud gazes, of bodies in action and of maternal kindness. Exhibiting in Arles her collages, her still life images, her street and studio portraits, she offers us a chance to see destinies vibrating with energy.

Delphine Diallo is a French-Senegalese visual artist and photographer, who lives and works in Brooklyn, NewYork. This summer, in Arles, she will be presenting her first solo show in France, after numerous exhibitions in the United States.


Arles 2018

Galerie Le Magasin de Jouets

2 Juillet – 26 Août 2018

19, rue Jouvène 13200 Arles






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