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Deauville 2012 : Paolo Roversi


Archives – October 26, 2012

Paolo Roversi is an international star of fashion and advertising photography. He is fascinated by studio portraiture. Since he began in 1973, his work has been like a private journal written day after day, photo after photo, with much love and passion… From his studio, Roversi imagined Deauville as it was in the Belle Époque, when Coco Chanel opened her first boutique in 1913, but also as it is today, with its men, women, children, and the celebrities encountered on its boardwalk. “Time spent in the studio is a time of invention. It is above all a state of mind, a way to see and feel. The studio is everywhere. It’s inside my head.” His photography is unique, stripped down, images of stopped time, the extreme expressions of grace and fragile beauty.

Paolo Roversi was born in 1947 in Ravenna, Italy, the year Dr. Edwin Land invented the Polaroid. His work has been exhibited across the world, and has appeared in several monographs.


Portraits de Deauvillais
October 27 – December 2, 2012
Le Point de vue
Boulevard de la mer
Deauville, France

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