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David Hill Gallery : Streets of New York : Werner Bischof, Mario Carnicelli, Harold Feinstein, Larry Fink, Marc Riboud


Streets of New York is an exhibition of Big Apple life, as captured by five masters of their craft. Curated by David Hill and Carrie Scott and featuring previously unseen images, the show includes work from the late 1940s through to the early1970s, the period generally considered the golden age of street photography.

In alphabetical order, the five photographers in Streets of New York are Werner Bischof, the first non-founding member of Magnum Photos; Mario Carnicelli, who this year received the inaugural Prix Viviane Esders in recognition of his career as a photographer; Harold Feinstein, described by the New York Times as ‘one of the most accomplished recorders of the American experience’; Larry Fink, hugely influential, with many exhibitions, photobooks and books on photographic theory to his name; Marc Riboud, Magnum Photos photographer, whose humanist eye recorded some of most iconic images to be represented by the agency.

Bringing together the photographs of these artists in a single exhibition provides greater insight into their work, the era, and the importance of the genre. exhibition provides greater insight into their work, the era, and the importance of the genre.


David Hill Gallery : Streets of New York : Werner Bischof, Mario Carnicelli, Harold Feinstein, Larry Fink, Marc Riboud
Until 3 March 2023
David Hill Gallery
345 Ladbroke Grove
London W10 6HA

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