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Daniel Belet


Street Football
Photographer, retoucheur and football passionate since my childhood, I photograph amateur teams playing street football through my travels.
These photos taken in Argentina, France, Switzerland, Madagascar … want to show the universal message of football.
Small, big, tall, thin, black, white, children play football all over the world and on all surfaces where a ball can roll.
It doesn’t matter what religion, fortune or social status you have, a moment stops and only that ball counts.
How many of us have trodden these lawns, squares, street corners, wastelands in search of the unusual feat or simply trying to push that round ball.
It is with this spirit that I approached these children the first time in Morocco in 1994 on the beach, and then in Madagascar…
I wanted to immortalise them like a professional football team posing for the official pre-match photo.
Afterwards, I had the idea to make a series of them.
Today I am still working on this project with the hope of one day making a book or an exhibition out of it.
Daniel Belet

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