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Dan Hayon

Elliott Erwitt
I would like to share with all who love the work of Elliott Erwitt as much as I, something I’ve done a few years ago, just for my pleasure,.
While in England and looking for photo books, I saw a big, big one called « Snaps », made by Elliott and published by Phaidon.
Of course, I knew already and admired Erwitt’s work. The book had more than 400 photos presented according to 9 key words: Read, Rest, Touch, Stand, Tell, Point, Look, Move and Play.
Back home in Paris, I decided to dig through my archives, and find among my photos which ones could match the same key words.
As I am 76 years old and I’ve started making picture for more than 55 years, my archives are quite big. It took me a little time but I found the exact number of photos as in his.
Today I want to share with you a tiny selection, as a personal tribute to this great man whom I’ll miss very much. Rest in peace Elliott!
Dan Hayon

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