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Cyril Abad : In God We Trust


The GRAPh team announces the next exhibition of its photographic program: In God We Trust, by photographer Cyril Abad.

This exploration of American society through the religious prism testifies to the efforts made by the many Protestant Christian churches (which represent 52% of the population) to cope with a drop in attendance.

Inspired by marketing techniques, the innovations take into account the particularities of the geographic areas and the communities therein. Often thanks to huge investments, new ways of practicing the faith, the new infrastructures are addressed to targeted groups.

The church integrates all the contributions of modernity to convey values ​​that are sometimes very different from those of European Christians.

In God we trust brings together several series, each presenting a different church. We meet a creationist Noah’s ark, naturists, bodybuilders, offerings can be paid with credit card via bank terminal within the church, multi-daily representations of the crucifixion … It makes you smile, but it also gives an overview of a civilization of which certain fundamental aspects remain impenetrable. If the practice of faith remains one of the pillars of society and mentalities, it is not part of the cultural products or geopolitical information that reaches Europe.

“By scanning all the major projects (entertainment, new technologies, atheism, immigration, LGBTQ, gun control, health, abortion, education, tribes and other groups of social and ethnic affinities, etc.) I was able to identify a certain number of groups or niches with original and sometimes unusual specificities and targeted by churches. These groups are true indicators of social change, remaining convinced that it is at the margins that we find the outlines of major changes. ” – Cyril Abad

An exhibition to discover from August 3 at Espace Hamilton, at 30 rue Armagnac (Carcassonne).

Admission is free, opening hours (Tuesday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., then Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

The opening of the exhibition is scheduled Friday, July 30.


Cyril Abad: In God We Trust

From 03 to 28 August 2021

Espace Hamilton

30 rue Armagnac


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