I have chosen the human form, and in particular, that of the female nude, as the common thread throughout most of my fine-art work. My choice of techniques, of different lighting, film, and processes, and now, in digital format, different filtration techniques, and approaches to images in post production, is constantly changing.
As a work in progress, I feel it appropriate that I not only choose a common denominator as a theme throughout, but also one that interests me personally, and has, and I suppose always will have, a strong emotional bond with the viewer. The challenge to me is how do I make my figurative studies unique, but also, how do I compensate for, or effectively rival, the very eroticism of my subject matter. The end result should not just be that of titillation, but a statement of high art. A statement that I hope is, visually speaking, concise, and will be heard long after I’m gone.