It’s one of the editorial staff’s favorites.
This book by Emmanuel Téclès entitled: Les Fleurs du Chaos and published by Corridor Eléphant. The author presents it this way:
“Les fleurs du chaos” is the meeting between the passion for abandoned places and the desire to work with models to bring a personal touch, a meaning, a color, a story…
The two items complement each other and stimulate my inspirations. The ruins reveal atmospheres of wandering souls, of past lives. Reintroducing the human through the model brings a new narrative to the place, a tribute. The choice of the feminine is made to embody both grace and the diabolical, a certain poetic curse. The whole, which I hope is unusual, highlights places in the shadows and focuses the gaze on a border, an interface between vestiges, their experiences, their theatrical roles and a model which re-dresses the place with its identity, its style. The result is intended to be unusual, with multiple, astonishing, if possible explosive, sometimes even thrilling poetry. The flowers are generally beautiful, some have virtues, others sting, they will not fade in these photos and will compose in these vestiges the bouquet of the Apocalypse.