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Colors of the North : Three Danish photographers


This exhibit has been canceled or can only be viewed by appointment. We decided to show it to you!

Faced with an invisible and silent enemy who is deployed in all territories, the health of all remains obviously the top priority. It doesn’t matter if we are deprived for a time of access to the reality of the works and of contact with their creators. The world of art and culture is suffering, but perhaps to be reborn in a better way one day. Among the many exhibitions that should have been inaugurated at the start of Spring! , the Clémentine de la Féronnière gallery, in collaboration with the Maison du Danemark and Lumières Nordiques, was to host the photographs of three Danish women artists: Astrid Kruse Jensen, Rosalina Kruse Serup and Myne Søe-Pedersen, who live and work in Copenhagen and were delighted to be with us in Paris. This is, let’s hope, only a postponement. Pending their exhibition and their coming, L’Œil de la Photographie offers here some pieces representative of their work that we had imagined to hang. They are mostly recent and develop around different reasons; but they also bear witness to an exercise in color that is specific to each of the three artists. If the whole outlines an approach to photographic creation in Denmark, we also see emerging a diversity of feminine sensibilities; techniques and formats are also available, the effects of which these photographers like to explore. Astrid Kruse Jensen creates an almost romantic climate in which monochrome subjects are shaped by light and sometimes tend to get lost in colored matter; Rosalina Kruse Serup’s compositions reflect the pleasure of playing with almost saturated colors and very graphic shapes; for Myne Søe-Pedersen, it is the visual invention and the diversity of her ideas that program each of her series of images. There are therefore three ways of capturing photography and associating color with it.

Gabriel Bauret, exhibition curator

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