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Coe + Co Gallery : Christophe von Hohenberg : Serenity


Christophe von Hohenberg presents Serenity, a selection of previously unseen photographs from the series White Album at Coe + Co Gallery in Palm Beach until April 2nd, 2023.

What makes black-and-white photography timeless? What are the strategies and features applied by black-and-white photographers? How does the absence of color in photography affect our way of seeing? Christophe Von Hohenberg unveils the answer with poetic images and intensified emotions. CVH’s artistic, intellectual and philosophical curiosity has been focused on the nature of time and the truth of history — present time, individual memories, the remote past, and concerns about the future. Under his lens, photography no longer connotes the quick satisfaction of the snapshot or the magic of the decisive moment. Rather, his photographs evoke the infinite and the immeasurable.


Christophe von Hohenberg : Serenity
March 22 – April 2, 2023
Coe + Co Gallery
292 South County Road,
Palm Beach, FL

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