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CLOVERS : Photo Shelter 2023 : Denis Piel : Padièscapes


Denis Piel presents “Padièscapes”, an exhibition in association with the Law firm CLOVERS in Milan at Via Savona 19/a. CLOVERS launched in 2015 the “Photo Shelter” project. The mission of the project is to merge their legal practice with their passion for photography and its consequent valorisation. Clovers’ website hosts the photographs of a selected artist each year and a three-month exhibition.
Denis Piel introduces the series as follow :

The series, Padièscapes has a single protagonist: water, combined with pictures of flowers.
Water being the one element I chose to concentrate on from my “Down to Earth” series created over the last years.
With this new series I tried to push myself beyond my confort zone of making pictures, crossing to new creative horizons. It started with me exploring the possibilities of creating Holograms using a small plexiglass cube filled with water through which I explored various flowers and experimented with matching or contrasting colours combined with water. With delight I reached the tridimensionality that I was hoping to achieve with holograms. These are now my Padièscapes. All of it without using any technology, and the frustration of intricate manipulations needed for holograms.
This process allows me to find again that inner child which so many artists look for. The flowers, magical in themselves take on a voyage of imagination beyond their immediate pleasure. The water a constant reminder of its essentiality to life.
Denis Piel


The exhibition is curated by Maria Savarese

CLOVERS in Milan at Via Savona 19/a
Exhibition “Padièscapes”
From May 4th to the July 21st by appointment only.
To request an appointment to visit the exhibition write to the following email.
[email protected]

You can view some of the images also via Denis’s virtual gallery as well as an overview of all his work.

total Padièscapes

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