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Claudine Doury –Sasha


For years, Claudine Doury has photographed her daugher, Sasha. Her portraits are currently on display at the Galerie Particulière. A text by Mélanie McWhorter puts Doury’s work in context:

“Regardless of the ceremonies that accompany the transition, we all become women; if a girl survives adolescence, a woman will inevitably take her place. Sasha is one of these young women. Her mother, the photographer Claudine Doury, captures Sasha through her camera’s viewfinder, and we are all witnesses to the moments that Doury chooses to document: the adventures of the imminent adult rejoicing in the final whims of childhood. The forest surrounds Sasha and her cohorts, from the last days of summer to its winter end, from green to brown, from life to death.”

Claudine Doury, Sasha
Until February 26, 2012

La Galerie Particulière
16 rue du Perche
75003 Paris

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