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Christophe Planchais

Photographic memory
When I came back to live in this neighbourhood that I left ten years ago, I was surprised to see that the decor of the café on my street corner had not changed despite the change of owner. As in the past, the brasserie menu at Le Boyard is still the same, as is the arena of local old-timers who lunch there every day in a gossipy semi-circle in the back room. However, it wasn’t nostalgia that inspired this little report, but what the new owner told me. One of the old ladies who comes here every day to have lunch with her old friends is suffering from severe Alzheimer’s disease. This daily journey to a place she remembers is the only thing she does on her own, and it’s thanks to this routine that she can still stay at home. I wouldn’t swear that this is the reason for the boss not changing the decor, but I like the idea.

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