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Christophe Beauregard The removal of tattoo


Christophe Beauregard was born and lives in Paris. Following his studies in Literature, he became interested in photography and tattoo removal, as he states:

“As tattoos and body art are fashionable in our contemporary societies, I am interested in a more discreet phenomenon: tattoo removal. It is not about documenting on these re-retouched bodies, but about this surprising idea of voluntary erasing, of suppression, of repentance. A flashback, or a time “rewind” that in the end questions the irreversibility of a tattoo and its immanent presence. An attempt to reveal what is about to disappear.”

Christophe Beauregard,
Trompe le monde
Through July 9

Briobox Galerie
67 rue Quincampoix
75003 Paris
Wednesday-Saturday, 2pm-7pm

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