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Christian Lefèvre


Initially the shots were taken in a very instinctive way, then as the images were compiled, I asked myself the question of the path of my mind to continue in this direction, and of course take a certain pleasure in it. tracking down the subjects, for a rendering that is sometimes surreal, sometimes on the verge of abstraction.

Ultimately, in each image, one or more other images interpenetrate in space to form a somewhat destabilizing whole, with humans sometimes appearing to perfect the composition, and provide a notion of complementarity. The ever-present graphic lines that make up each of them forcefully complement the interest dedicated to the main subject.

In this series where post-production is reduced to a minimum, the pride of place is essentially given to the raw and unadorned image. It is therefore important for the works presented here that the framing is instantaneous and precise. The same goes for the choice of subject, so as not to become anecdotal.

We can therefore assimilate the images presented here to “one shots”, without concession, with an undisguised plastic propensity.

In summary, I hope to take the viewer into a world of dreamlike and imaginary reverie which for me corresponds to a certain vision of the world around us, and yet totally removed from the deleterious climate with which we are perpetually confronted.

Christian Lefèvre

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