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Christian Clausier



Journalistic photography is an irreplaceable medium for feeling the world. It tells the story of life, its light, its darkness. The eye of the artist-photographer-journalist is a prism, an invitation to feel the pulse of the world, to project his vision of the world onto it. My job asks questions, the one who looks at my images, apprehends my vision with his culture and his emotions.

As a teenager, I used my first camera at the age of 14, and it was love at first sight for this new means of artistic expression and for its history.

After studying journalism and responsible photography from a renowned photographic club in the Paris region, my photographic culture wanders through various galleries while practicing street photography and artistic nudes in the studio.

I opened an advertising photography studio in Montpellier and participated in numerous national advertising campaigns and sharpened my photographic technique for fifteen years. But photography gives me a taste for travel with, as a new activity, my new job as a journalist and reporter, whose signature appears in many national and international magazines with the magazine press specializing in tourism and adventure as its activity.

Christian Clausier

Instagram: christian clausier 1


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