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Vichy : Christer Strömholm, Les Amies de la Place Blanche


In 1956, the Swedish photographer Christer Strömholm, then thirty-eight years old, placed his bags in a seedy hotel of the Place Blanche, where the clientele was essentially composed of transexuals. He adopted the nocturnal life of his neighbors and found a way to share their intimacy. That is how he photographed the kisses, the hugging, the radiating pallor of their faces, the smoky stiffness of false eyelashes and their weary bodies in the early morning. Over the course of days and months, Christer Strömholm produced a captivating story, combining the informative and the  poetic.


Christer Strömholm, Les amies de la place blanche
5th edition of the Festival Portrait(s)
Photography event of the City of Vichy
From June 16 through September 10, 2017
Valéry-Larbaud Cultural Center and different places around the city

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