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Chiaroscuro Gallery : Renate Aller


Until December 2, the Chiaroscuro Gallery in Santa Fe is exhibiting Renate Aller.
The latter presents her images as follows:

“’Commensalism’ is a relationship between organisms of different species in which one derives some benefit, while the other is unaffected nor harmed. Humans benefit from nature, and we should not harm it in return. We are part of nature, made stronger by our interconnectedness. Echoing the forms of the landscape, I pair an image of the human body to mirror our presence. Another way to look at it is the observation that we are hosts to microorganisms who are such a large part of us that we cannot define ourselves as being a separate entity.”

Renate Aller


Chiaroscuro Gallery
558 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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