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Chiara Dondi


A Total Feminine Symbolism

From the first photo, I have understood that I was interested in portraits, above all feminine portraits.

Actually, looking to all my works until now, I can talk about a total experience inside women, their feelings, anxieties, relationships and gestures. I have always chosen feminine individuals trying to understand their secrets.

Looking to the entire archieve of photos, I can find out this central idea of introspection, like a big research of a common language that can go beyond our differences.

This selection wants to give this idea of strenght, fragility and gestures in an all womens’s way.


Chiara Dondi is a film photographer based in Italy. She grew up in northen Italy and studied design in Florence. Interested in painting since she was a little child, growing up she has discovered the art of photography finding an old 35mm camera of her father.

During these years she has developed her technique trying to combine film photography with her painter attitude.

After the development, she use to colorize photos with watercolors and gives her unique interpratation of that particular moment.

IG: chiaradondi13



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