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Chaussee 36 : Meg Hewitt : Tokyo is Yours


Chaussee 36 Photo Foundation in Berlin presents the solo exhibition “Tokyo is Yours” by the Australian photographer Meg Hewitt. This exhibition is curated by Anne Clergue.

Meg Hewitt, born in 1973 in Sydney, Australia, studied sculpture, painting and media. Since 2010 she has dedicated herself to photography.

“Tokyo is Yours“ is a black-and-white series that came into being between 2015 and 2017.

The photographer finds her inspiration in manga and movies. It is life in the streets of Tokyo that particularly interest her.

The scenes which Meg Hewitt embeds in her film have movie-like qualities. People converge, and odd situations appear and fade away again. Meg had travelled to Japan seven times between 2015 and 2017. Every day she would walk through the city for twelve hours, taking strolls through parks, stopping by at night bars and the animal park, and traveling to Fukushima or visiting the seafront. She captured the small details that spontaneously caught her interest and eternalized the habitants she encountered. The fact that she can neither speak and read Japanese, nor understand conversations, gave her a feeling of absolute freedom and creativity. The people she met and the scenes she attended were transformed into symbols, archetypes, and metaphors.


Meg Hewitt : Tokyo is Yours
November 18, 2023 – January 27, 2024
Chaussee 36 Photo Foundation
Chausseestrasse 36
10115 Berlin
+49 (0)30 2809 7647

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