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Château de Caen : Antoine Cardi : Composed Times


As part of the redevelopment project of the Château spaces, the City of Caen gave carte blanche to photographer Antoine Cardi. From the start of the  transformation works, he wandered through this constantly evolving landscape. From this were born 12 works which constitute a poetic creation, playing on the contrast between the triviality of a moving, chaotic, fragmented space and the durability of an architecture frozen in its time and which serves as its setting. Within the Château de Caen, an architectural and landscape entity anchored on the side of permanence, the monumental, the heritage, the site affirms its evolving, precarious, unfinished, modest character, a hive of forms and signs. A place of incompletion, between past and future, it is a telescoping of several temporalities. This is where photography comes in. It then turns into a writing of time, a telling of the past from the present which is configured into a history of the place. A historical relationship to the past at the foundation of any heritage work.

Antoine Cardi is a historian by training. After several years devoted to teaching and research activities, he devoted himself to photography in a practice based on a documentary approach. One of the directions taken by his work is guided by the temporal dimension of places and their transformation.


Antoine Cardi : Temps Composés
Du 10 février au 9 juin 2024
Château de Caen
salle de L’Échiquier
14000 Caen, France

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