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Chabe! Number 3 : Special “Lyon Vintage”


The Chabe! magazine team announces the publication of number 3 of its annual edition, this Tuesday, December 17 at the Galerie Le Bleu du Ciel, an event open to all, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Chabe! is a Lyon photo magazine, created by a collective of photographers with the local media L’Arrière-Cour. Number 3 presents the images of 21 photographers and a selection of images in collaboration with The Municipal Archives of Lyon, The Lyon History Museum MHL-Gadagne and The Photographers in the Rhône-Alpes Fund of the Lyon Municipal Library.

The Chabe magazine! was born from a conviction: photographers are an asset to their territory. Open to all styles of photography, Chabe! opens in this new edition with “vintage” photography and what we call “vernacular” photography alongside contemporary subjects. In this number 3, we “shape” the city of today and yesterday, we wonder, we marvel and sometimes worry, we smile or we are moved.

Romain BAGNARD, Serge BEGUET, Jean-Marc BERTHIER, Jean Marc COUDOUR, Guénaëlle DE CARBONNIÈRES, Bastien DOUDAINE, Etienne FAIVRE, Christian GANET, Elena GODEFROY, Denis LAVEUR, MEMENTO, Philippe MERCHEZ, Hervé NÉGRE, Yves NEYROLLES, Emmanuel NGUYEN, Bruno PACCARD, Jacques REVON, Julien ROCHE, Jacqueline SALMON, Juliette TREILLET, Gilles VERNERET.

Chabe! Numéro 3 : spécial “Lyon Vintage”
Annual publication.
104 pages
EAN CODE: 3770028218011

On sale in bookstores and online on the magazine’s website:


Galerie Le Bleu du Ciel
12 Rue des Fantasques
69001 Lyon, France

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