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Catherine Marcogliese



My recent work explores the landscapes of the salt flats of Milos, Ibiza, Trapani, Cervia, Slovenia and the Camargue. These landscapes are the starting point for a body of work that shows the traces of human intervention in nature. Sometimes these traces are subtle and non‐intrusive, as in the saltLINES series, where the photographic work is inspired by the natural graphics of salt lines etched on the ground, or in the saltSURFACES series which, as the title suggests, deals with the patterns of crystallization on the surface of salt flats. In the saltFLATS series, the intervention is more brutal, marked by the contrast between the constructed elements of the landscape and the organic effects created by the salt encrustations. In a more recent development, I have perfected the classic (1840s) technique of printing on salt paper using Henri Fox Talbot’s process. With these prints, the saltSCAPES series establishes a link between the subject, salt, and the method of production, while giving the images an air of yesteryear and intimacy.

Nature thus becomes the source of inspiration for a body of work that is primarily concerned with the visual aspects of the image, and tries to reveal the poetry inherent in the landscape.

Catherine Marcogliese

This body of work is currently exhibited at the Batterie du Cap Nègre, corniche de Solviou, 83140 Six-Fours from October 7 to November 12, 2023.

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